Angel Foglia - CEO and Founder

Joe Fridy - CTO and Author

Angel Foglia - CEO and Founder

Joe Fridy - CTO and Author

Joe Fridy - CTO and Author

Angel Foglia - CEO and Founder

Angel Foglia - CEO and Founder

Angela (Angel) Foglia has been working in IT for a few decades now. She started as a Research Specialist for a healthcare provider, and has worked her way through a variety of gradually ascending positions ever since. Along the way she earned a Master's degree, and jumped from healthcare to manufacturing. She has spent her career implementing infrastructure changes and managing the deployment of new applications in a corporate setting, with all the fun that entails.

In 2014, she became the IT manager for the R&D center of the manufacturing company she'd been working for since 1995. There she encountered an unruly crew of engineers and scientists who were the worst sort of IT customers - demanding and opinionated, but also inventive and entrepreneurial. Perhaps inspired by those misfits, Angel began moonlighting on the entrepreneurial circuit in Pittsburgh. There she learned how to create, manage and launch a start-up.

During her tenure at the research center, Angel's company split into two entities, and the newly established company wanted a mirror of all the applications from the R&D center. In typical IT fashion, Angel set about finding commercial applications to replace all the custom software the R&D scientists and engineers had written. Among the most resistant to replacement was a file transfer utility that was ultimately cloned for the new company. When the author of that utility announced his retirement and told her about his new design for a superior replacement, Angel sensed an entrepreneurial opportunity and proposed a partnership. Ultimately this collaboration produced, a secure file transfer system capable of transmitting files of any size, and incapable of leaking user data or metadata, even to the operators of the system itself.

Joe Fridy - CTO and Author

Joe Fridy, a poorly socialized mechanical engineer, wrote his first professional program in 1978. By 1983 he had convinced his employer that writing programs should be his job. For the next 35 years he wrote custom scientific and engineering software at a corporate lab.

In the middle of his career, in 1999, he wrote a large file transmission utility in a fit of pique. It filled a hole in the corporate IT infrastructure that corporate security wouldn't admit existed. After spending a year fighting with both corporate IT and corporate data security to convince them that his utility was secure enough and better than the nothing they had provided, the utility went live and grew to have a user community of thousands. When Joe retired 18 years later, the company was still using the utility, despite continuous efforts to find a better replacement.

Upon his retirement announcement, the IT manager at his lab - an old friend and adversary - asked what he was going to work on in his retirement. Joe answered that he had a greatly improved design for a file transmission utility. Out of that conversation grew a partnership, and eventually, .